A race of non-corporeal, parasitic aliens who go from planet to planet looking for hosts have come to Earth and basically taken over the human race. It's believed that, once inside a body, all memories of the host human are gone. Some few free humans remain hidden from them, forming a resistance group. When an alien Seeker captures a girl named Melanie and puts a Wanderer in her body, she hopes to find out where the remaining humans are gathered, but Melanie, a strong fighter able to converse with the alien in her commandeered body, convinces the Wanderer to say nothing. Disappointed by the lack of progress (though suspecting an empathy for the human), the Seeker informs the Wanderer that she'll be removed and placed in a new host while she herself will enter Melanie. With human lives at risk, Melanie convinces Wanderer to run away and hide out with the humans, but finding them doesn't mean they'll allow an alien presence among them. Jared (Melanie's boyfriend) wants her dead, but Jeb (Melanie's uncle) wants to wait, and Ian, tasked with guarding her, finds himself siding with Jeb. As Ian begins to fall for Melanie, a strange love triangle develops, with Ian wanting Wanderer (inhabiting Melanie's body), Jared wanting Melanie (imprisoned inside her own body), and no one knowing any way to separate the two without killing both.
一个主角是外星人的爱情故事拍成这样算对得起观众了吧。猎奇观影,请谨慎买票。可曾记得爱。一股子暮光的味道。一个关于人性关于科幻关于爱情的好电影,抱歉没有迎合追求惊险刺激视觉盛宴的观众的眼球。最和谐的外星寄生虫。剧情不敢恭维。相比之下美女帅哥是看点。。对味的科幻理想爱情片——2013/The Host/宿主。所体现的内涵比较深刻。恋爱中的女人都是精神分裂。
未来的某个时间,神秘外星人大举入侵地球。没有毁灭,没有战火,他们以特殊的方式占据人类的身体,将这颗早已被人类文明折磨得疲惫不堪的地球改造成一片看似和平幸福的乐土。然而,依旧有少数人不愿放弃自主的人格和丰富的情感与回忆,他们为此做着最后的抵抗。美丽女孩梅兰妮·斯特德(西尔莎·罗南 Saoirse Ronan 饰)抵死顽抗,仍不免被侵蚀的命运。新生的漫游者占据了她的身体,然而梅兰妮的意识并未就此消失。漫游者按照探索者(黛安·克鲁格 Diane Kruger 饰)的命令搜索梅兰妮的记忆,得知她的弟弟吉米(Chandler Canterbury 饰)以及深爱的男孩杰莱德·霍华(马克斯·艾恩斯 Max Irons 饰)的存在。在这一过程中,原本对立的漫游者和梅兰妮渐渐变得融洽,突如其来的事件迫使她们携手奔上拯救所爱之人的征途…… 本片根据斯蒂芬妮·梅耶(Ste...
seeker版戴安 克鲁格太性感了!她从良后直接把进度条拖到片尾,庆幸没错过片尾曲