抱着黄金飞翔的剧情介绍,粗犷躁动的日本大阪,行走于灰色地带的幸田弘之(妻夫木聪 饰)回到故乡,见到学生时代的朋友北川浩二(浅野忠信 饰)。在北川的帮助下,幸田于当地某仓库公司谋得职位。此时此刻,北川刚刚将目光锁定在一家大型银行的金库上,那里藏有价值高达240亿日元的黄金。两位好友一拍即合,随后又网络野田(桐谷健太 饰)、齐藤顺三(西田敏行 饰)、北朝鲜间谍桃太郎(沈昌珉 饰)以及北川的弟弟春树(沟端淳平 饰)入伙。他们精心制定了周密计划,可是来自人生以及周遭各种各样的状况和意外牵绊着他们的脚步。伴随着鲜血与厮杀,这组人马向金库伸出黑手…… <br /> 本片根据作家高村薰1990年出版的同名小说改编。
Kota (Satoshi Tsumabuki) hears about an impending 1.5 billion yen gold bar heist from his friend Kitagawa (Tadanobu Asano), a former college classmate, and decides to take part. The gold bar sits in the basement of the HQ of Sumita Bank. Helping Kota and Kitagawa are bank security employee Noda (Kenta Kiritani), a North Korean spy pretending to be a college student (Shim Chang-Min), Kitagawa's younger brother Haruki (Junpei Mizobata) and a former elevator engineer (Toshiyuki Nishida). These 6 men are about to carry the boldest of schemes to bypass the bank's high-tech defense system.