逆转裁判的剧情介绍,近未来,各种恶性犯罪日益增长,为了应对这一现状,新的司法系统“序审裁判”得到推广。该系统允许辩护律师和检察官当庭辩论,并在三日之内迅速得到审判结果。当下,人称“天才检察官”的御剑怜侍(齐藤工 饰)大展才华,接连制胜,大有其恩师——40年间未尝败绩的完美检察官狩魔豪(石桥凌 饰)的风姿。与之相对,新人律师成步堂龙一(成宫宽贵 饰)的事业则步履维艰。某天,成步堂的上司绫里千寻(檀丽 饰)遭人杀害,千寻的妹妹真霄(桐谷美玲 饰)被指为凶手。成步堂自告奋勇为真霄辩护,与童年好友怜侍展开对决。谁知不久之后,怜侍也被当作另一宗命案的嫌疑犯逮捕,而这一切全都与15年前一起神秘的案件有关。成步堂能否成功为好友洗脱罪名呢? <br /> 本片根据同名游戏改编。
This movie is based on the second and fourth cases in the popular video game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. The plot follows Phoenix Wright, a novice lawyer, who faces off against expert prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, who had a perfect win record. He defends Maya Fey, the sister of his deceased mentor, Mia Fey. The court system of the time dictates that the trial can only convene for a total of three days before a verdict must be reached. In the second case, Miles is charged with murder, and it is up to Phoenix to defend him against the best prosecutor of all time, as well as Miles' mentor, Manfred Von Karma, who has not lost a case in forty years! In order to resolve this case, Phoenix must look beyond the drama of the court room and search for clues left by Mia on a 15 years old case, the DL-6.