嗜血狂魔的剧情介绍,罗马尼亚政府在五年前证实了吸血鬼的存在,为了维护和平,创造和谐共存的局面,政府开发了由康斯坦丁·科瓦克(Roark Critchlow 饰)主持的人与吸血鬼关系部,通过制造出合成血液解决了吸血鬼的饮食问题,从此人类历史翻开新的篇章。在此之后,政府将吸血鬼集中迁往第五区,在这个宛若集中营的封闭所在,罪恶慢慢滋生。某晚,三个吸血鬼和一名人类供血人被残忍杀害,来自美国的警探德里克(Neil Jackson 饰)受命调查此事,他要求科瓦克释放在押的吸血鬼猎人约翰·哈克(Andrew Lee Potts 饰),并协同伦敦的菜鸟警察因尼斯·本奇利(Jonathon Hargreaves 饰)深入调查此事。 <br /> 吸血狂魔强势袭来,连不死的吸血鬼也面临灭亡的危机……
Bucharest, Romania. The not-too-distant future, but an entirely different city. The human population is dwindling. The vampire population, meanwhile, is exploding. Having emerged from the shadows a decade earlier, vampires now walk openly amongst the human population, as a precarious peace exists between the two. A peace made possible by the introduction of a synthetic blood substitute, dispensed by the Romanian government, making traditional vampire feeding, and preying on humans, no longer necessary. But even so, it's not a peace that everyone is entirely comfortable with...