识骨寻踪 第一季的剧情介绍,这是一部专门从“骨头”上寻找破案线索的刑侦剧。女博士布莱南绰号“骨头”(艾米丽·丹斯切尔 Emily Deschanel 饰),是个学识渊博、专业素养完美的魅力女性,身上最大特点是“理智”,她最不相信的就是感觉,面对任何事都要讲求逻辑和事实,甚至在人际关系上也一样。幸好她有一个对她非常了解的搭档、警探瑟利·布斯(大卫·伯伦纳兹 David Boreanaz 饰),他体格完美,为人开朗风趣,交流能力一流,在查案过程中经常帮“骨头”打圆场,身上又有“骨头”最欣赏的品质——敬业,勇敢。加上美女图形处理师安吉拉(Michaela Conlin 饰)、碎屑分析家哈吉斯(T.J. Thyne 饰)、DNA分析员扎克(Eric Millegan 饰),几人组成专门性刑侦小组,告诉你关于枯骨的一切,
Brilliant, but socially inept, forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperence Brennan works at the Jeffersonian Institute in Washington DC. After consulting for him on a FBI case, she is approached by cocky yet charming Former Army Ranger turned Special Agent, Seeley Booth to help the Bureau solve crimes by identifying human remains that are too far gone for standard FBI forensic investigations. Brennan's empirical, literal view of the world causes friction with Booths emotive, instinctive attitude creating a volatile relationship. However as their case load increases the symbiotic partnership produces results and with the support of Brennan's Squint Squad, murderers, past and present should be on the look out.
人人都有主角日。BONES和BOOTH的爱恨情仇。无招胜有招。二见钟情。我爱的那些配角们。识骨寻踪,追至第六集感言。109 Can one be lonelier。陪伴是最长情的告白。女版谢耳朵的日常我可以一直看下去。原来bones的妹妹是summer。