Toyotomi Hideyoshi becomes the regent during the Azuchi-Momoyama Period and holds sway while his vassals amass wealth. On the other hand, the common people slide into dire poverty and their discontent grows day by day. They are given moral support by the Shiranami Yazaemon troupe. Yazaemon, the head of the troupe, is the alias for the great thief Ishikawa Goemon to disguise himself from the public. Ishikawa goes against the powerful Hideyoshi, sneaking into the mansions of feudal lords and wealthy merchants who have done wrong, to steal anything of value and distribute the money and items to the needy. Hideyoshi is eager to capture Ishikawa. Furthermore, this is mingled with the ulterior motives of Hideyoshi's concubine Chacha, his vassals Maeda Geni, Ishida Mitsunari and other people around him.
編劇就是神, 大盜卻是秀吉之子, 茶茶變兒媳.......魔幻.....比嘉小姐的古裝真無敵.....