甜蜜幼儿园的剧情介绍,专栏作家鲁多(Til Schweiger 蒂尔•斯威格 饰)及其摄影师朋友莫瑞兹(Matthias Schweighöfer 马提亚斯•施维赫夫 饰)是一对无孔不入的小报记者,他们以窥探名人隐私为己任,为达目的怪招迭出。在拍摄著名球星求爱过程时,鲁多不慎搅乱了整个仪式,并因此被控上法庭。严厉的法官判鲁多服刑8个月,在此之前还要进行300小时的社区服务,而他服务的地点则是一家社区幼儿园。 <br /> 美丽的幼儿园女老师安娜(Nora Tschirner 诺拉•茨切纳 饰)和鲁多是老相识,但她小时候因为长相平平而经常受到鲁多一班坏男孩的嘲弄。同年冤家再次相逢,他们之间又会发生怎样的故事呢?
Gossip-columnist Ludo finds himself sentenced to three-hundred hours of community service after he literally crashes a private celebrity party. The work is at a children's day-centre and while the job's fine it is his bad luck that the person in charge is a woman whom he used to play endless practical jokes on when they were at school; she hasn't forgotten and is prepared to use her new-found power to get her own back. She finds however that, like the children, she's warming to him. If only the court injunction had stopped his womanising too.
甜蜜幼儿园最后整司机部分的翻译有正解。如果现实中anna能被ludo珍惜,请一定告诉我。德国桥段——《Keinohrhasen》(《甜蜜幼儿园》)。能让人一口气看完的好片。风味。爱情中的误会。Til Schweiger。无耳兔。成熟男人一坏笑,女孩就得遭殃。很可爱的CHENYEN-BLUE。