柏林的女人的剧情介绍,1945年,第二次世界大战接近尾声。第三帝国的心脏柏林在盟军的猛烈攻势下已化作废墟,在短暂的交火之后,成千上万的苏联士兵涌入这座颓败之城。躲在掩体下的德国百姓在步枪的威慑下乖乖走出地面,男人的犯下的罪孽转嫁到女人的身上。无数妇女被强奸,却没有任何一个苏联军官出面制止。 <br /> 她(Nina Hoss 尼娜•霍斯 饰),是这群备受屈辱的德国女人中的一员,丈夫远在前线,生死未卜,惶恐无助的她只能一次次忍受屈辱。她将自己委身一位苏联军官,只为在这恶境中求得生存…… <br /> 本片根据根据德国女记者同名日记体作品改编。
A nameless woman keeps a diary as the Russians invade Berlin in the spring of 1945. She is in her early 30s, a patriotic journalist with international credentials; her husband, Gerd, a writer, is an officer at the Russian front. She speaks Russian and, for a day or two after the invasion, keeps herself safe, but then the rapes begin. She resolves to control her fate and invites the attentions of a Russian major, Andreij Rybkin. He becomes her protector of sorts subject to pressures from his own fellow soldiers and officers. Dramas play out in the block of flats where she lives. Is she an amoral traitor? She asks, "How do we go on living?" And what of Gerd and her diary?