森林深处的剧情介绍,本片是改编自原著作者Jean Hegland 的同名小说,故事描述一对姊妹在不久的未来中,因面对各种分崩离析的社会问题,一同努力求生存的另类末日题材。
In a world that is increasingly dependent on electricity, a power outage seems like an awful predicament. Mankind is using electricity for the past 140 years, but still, we can't imagine ourselves living in a world deprived of electricity. In such a difficult and dreary situation found themselves a father and his two daughters, after a seemingly normal power outage lingered on, changing the lives of everyone in the region. What was the reason for this outage? Is it regional, or does it affect the whole country? No one really knows and as time passes, the family will have to put to the test its survival skills, adaptability and endurance, but most of all, the integrity of the familial bonds.
我要烧了那座房子...。无聊至极。末日降临 之《无电世界》。这部电影动摇了我的梦想。《森林深处》。末日人性~。一口吃个大胖子。亲情可以战胜一切恐惧。亲情可战胜一切恐惧!。回归本性。