超感神探 第一季的剧情介绍,
After a serial killer named Red John murdered Patrick Jane's wife and daughter, Jane dedicated his life to hunting down and killing Red John. To that end he gave up his lucrative pretense of being a psychic and joined the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI) as a consultant to the team responsible for investigating the Red John case, led by Senior Agent Teresa Lisbon. Using Jane's exceptional gift for observation and his mentalist tric able to close an unprecedented number of cases, but Jane's unconventional and often outright illegal methods also bring much censure down on Lisbon's head, making his assistance both a blessing and a curse. Meanwhile, the hunt for Red John continues...
don't do that.。罪案剧一入深似海。关于Red John的几点猜想。Sexy Simon baker。重点就是男主角,其他的?你猜你猜你豆瓣猜~。万变不离其宗。心理游戏。Mentalist,在自己的世界孤单。倾倒众生系列之Patrick Jane。最爱馒头大叔。
启示一:老美式探案剧跳不出的套路,种种迹象表明那人是犯人,那他就一定不是犯人!启示二:想要成为主角,就永远不能按规矩办事!启示三:没有点伤痛的过去是成不了主角的! 3+