特工008的剧情介绍,为了追缉跨国犯罪分子,俄罗斯情报局特工伊戈尔•克列姆涅夫(弗拉基米尔•叶皮凡采夫 V. Yepifantsev 饰)来到哥伦比亚,但是行动失败,手下全部丧生。这让伊戈尔备受指责,他百口莫辩,被降职。为了戴罪立功,他接受了俄罗斯石油大亨索尔金的案子,后者被控偷税漏税并企图颠覆政府。伊戈尔去欧洲缉拿知悉索尔金犯罪证据的米哈伊尔•谢里克。期间,他结识了身材火辣、身手不凡的女间谍奥拉娃(奥莉加•法捷耶娃 Olga Fadeyeva 饰)。起初,伊戈尔误认为奥拉娃是敌人一伙,幸好同伴提醒,才让对方表明心迹,同仇敌忾。两人密切配合并取得了很好的战绩。某夜,伊戈尔正在淋浴,奥拉娃突然闯入,色诱于他。两人激情缠绵之时,她却用早已藏好的针管插入了他的身体,原来这一切不过是个阴谋……
Egor Kremnev is a special agent of the Russian intelligence, haunted by his recent failures in the military operations in Colombia, where his whole team was killed. Kremnev was blamed for the tragedy, and stripped of command. Now he is an ordinary agent assigned to seemingly boring surveillance jobs. But it looks like this his troubles are not over. During his last assignment, which promised to be simple and safe, the Colombian tragedy repeated itself - all of his fellow agents were neutralized by unknown foes.
真是一部基情四射的电影- -!。为什么这么多人给低分呢。别信那个RP的简介,这就是个GAY片。两帅哥才会有基情。溜肩膀的特工008。一部不怎么地的动作片。非常有诚意的喜剧。出卖与忠诚。我也是来搅笑的。语录。