阿黛拉的非凡冒险的剧情介绍,1912年。为了拯救深陷重度昏迷的妹妹,聪明果敢的法国女记者阿黛拉·干白(露易丝·布尔昆 Louise Bourgoin 饰)上天入地,走遍世界寻找治病良药。她不顾出版商去秘鲁印加古果探险的要求,自顾自来到埃及寻找传说中法老名医的木乃伊。经过一番险象环生的对决,阿黛拉总算得到木乃伊,启程返乡。与此同时,位于巴黎的自然博物馆发生奇怪之事。一枚恐龙蛋突然孵化出一只翼手龙,当晚,翼手龙袭击了前警察局长的专车,该事件惊动全国上下,政府要求警方24小时内破案。即将复活的木乃伊,以及危险的翼手龙,阿黛拉即将迎来新的冒险…… <br /> 本片根据雅克·塔蒂(Jacques Tardi)同名畅销漫画改编。
Desperate to cure her near catatonic sister, intrepid authoress Adèle Blanc-Sec braves ancient Egyptian tombs and modern Egyptian lowlife to locate a mummified doctor and get him back to Paris. Her hope is that oddball Professor Espérandieu will then use his unusual powers to bring the doctor back to life so he, in turn, can use his centuries-old skills on the unfortunate sister. In Paris however Espérandieu is already causing mayhem, having brought to life what was a safe museum egg but is now a very active pterodactyl. Paris 1911 may not be the healthiest place to be.
这货不是吕克 贝松!。连路人甲都可以美得像娇羞版的奥兰多布鲁姆,我觉得我花30,比画50看大地震划算太多了。。自私的阿黛拉。《阿黛拉》:吕克•贝松的非凡冒险。古董味道的法式蕾丝。拉风的木乃伊,诡异的妹妹。胡扯兩句相關音樂。我实在是不想给星。法兰西御姐怪谈传奇。出乎意料的设计,忍俊不禁的情节。