与摩根·弗里曼一起穿越虫洞 第一季的剧情介绍,宇宙是什么?宇宙的起源是怎样的?宇宙真的只存在我们地球人类吗?外星生物真的只是一个理论吗?你有没有想过,当你身处黑洞,或进入虫洞可以实现时间旅行,你会怎样?让我们一起跟随着奥斯卡影帝Morgan Freeman走进我们这个神秘的宇宙,一起来揭开它的神秘面纱吧!
Hosted by Morgan Freeman, Through the Wormhole will explore the deepest mysteries of existence - the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity. What are we made of? What was there before the beginning? Are we really alone? Is there a creator? These questions have been pondered by the most exquisite minds of the human race. Now, science has evolved to the point where hard facts and evidence may be able to provide us with answers instead of philosophical theories. Through the Wormhole will bring together the brightest minds and best ideas from the very edges of science - Astrophysics, Astrobiology, Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, and more - to reveal the extraordinary truth of our Universe.
对于0基础的爱好者来说,这个片子绝对是一个最好的扫盲片。科学前沿。1-8季目录大整理【与摩根弗里曼一起穿越虫洞】,全网最全。自己的记录。Does God Exist?(Episode1 Season1 )。【资源】穿越虫洞下载·第1季-第8季·720P·八季·全62集,个人压制中英典藏双语版纪录片。我们的悲伤多么可笑。虫洞就是脑洞。浩瀚而荒芜的宇宙。生命在追索。