嘉莉妹妹的剧情介绍,嘉莉(珍妮弗·琼斯 Jennifer Jones 饰)出身于偏僻贫穷的山村,长大之后,她来到了繁华的大都市芝加哥,希望能够在这里过上自己梦想中的生活。然而,现实却是残酷的,拮据的经济让她不得不过着寄人篱下的日子。一次偶然中,嘉莉在火车上遇见了名为杜洛埃(埃迪·艾伯特 Eddie Albert 饰)的男子,杜洛埃多金又慷慨,嘉莉遂即同他开始了同居生活。 <br /> 之后,嘉莉又遇见了酒店老板赫斯渥(劳伦斯·奥利弗 Laurence Olivier 饰),在赫斯渥的身边,嘉莉总算过上了梦想中荣华富贵纸醉金迷的生活。可是好景不长,一场意外让赫斯渥千金散尽,就在两人举步维艰之时,嘉莉得到了一份在歌剧院的工作,嘉莉凭借着自己的美貌和歌喉很快蹿红,面对突然获得的财富和名誉,嘉莉决定抛弃赫斯渥。
Carrie boards the train to Chicago with big ambitions. She gets a job stitching shoes and her sister's husband takes almost all of her pay for room and board. Then she injures a finger and is fired. This is the 1890s. Charles Drouet, a salesman she met on the train, comes to her rescue, invites her to dine at Fitzgerald's where the manager George Hurstwood sends over a bottle of champagne. Stay in Drouet's apartment. He will be on the road 10 days. When she leaves the apartment many months later -- on a train bound for New York -- her traveling companion is Hurstwood. Why is he in such a hurry?
我眼中的嘉莉。十美元陷阱。我只看到深入骨髓的绅士。绅士。黑白电影很好看。几乎所有当今中国农村女孩进入城市打拼都应该看的电影或者原著小说。What Carrie really wanted was material well-being life rather than relationship。你往上走是不会孤单的,往下走才会。经典台词。时代挟裹之下的爱情。