Now living in a cozy Tuscan Villa with his wife and their two children, Ezio spends his time enjoying the company of family, old friends, and cultivating his vineyards. The life of this former Assassin Mentor will not stay quiet for long. One day, a mysterious Assassin shows up at Ezio's door quite unexpectedly, begging for Ezio's aid. Will this old Assassin's fire die out before he can save the ones he loves, or will it burn brightly one last time?
Working in the dark, to serve the light, we are assassins。杂谈刺客信条。繁华落尽 归于尘土。刺客大师完美谢幕,以及往事二三则。制作精良的动画。我们追求的是什么。We are assassins!。短评写不下E叔这首诗。只有玩过游戏,才会在最后的镜头发出感叹。献给永远的刺客大师——Ezio Auditore。
In the year 1524, the former Assassin Ezio Auditore retired to a villa in the countryside of Tuscany, with his wife Sofia and children Marcello and Flavia. While Ezio wrote in his study, Sofia asked him to watch Flavia while she and Marcello visit his sister Claudia. Shortly after, he left his study to tend their vineyards while Flavia played nearby the villa. In the midst of h...
没玩过游戏的人 最好还不是要乱评分。对ezio这个人物已经产生了感情,看到他的离开觉得很伤感
某些组织的意图藏得很深,看完后, "圣殿骑士"与"刺客兄弟会"的较量无非就是世界政局“左”与“右”的较量,再看看这部针对中国受众的短片,真的让我感到毛骨悚然—帝国主义亡我中华之心不死!