总统杀局的剧情介绍,美国总统大选进入白热化阶段,两位候选人在之前的得票数旗鼓相当。距离俄亥俄州的初选还有一周时间,两人都把此州当做具有决定性意义的阵地,开始明争暗斗。候选人之一莫里斯(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)竞选团队的二号人物斯蒂芬(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)年轻有为,此时遭到另一位候选人竞选团队的首脑汤姆·达菲(保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti 饰)的挖角,但斯蒂芬对莫里斯忠心耿耿,并不为所动。另一方面,斯蒂芬深深为新来的实习生莫莉(埃文·蕾切尔·伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)吸引,两人迅速打得火热。 <br /> 不料,泰晤士报的记者艾达(玛丽莎·托梅 Marisa Tomei 饰)得知了斯蒂芬与汤姆的会面,以此要挟斯蒂芬透露政选内幕。焦头烂额的斯蒂芬又在与莫莉的交往中发现了一个惊人的秘密……
Stephen Meyers is a young idealist who's brilliant at communications, is second in command of Governor Mike Morris's presidential campaign, and is a true believer. In the middle of the Ohio primary, the campaign manager of Morris's opponent asks Meyers to meet; he offers him a job. At the same time, Morris's negotiations for the endorsement of the man in third place, a North Carolina Senator, hit a snag. A young campaign intern, Molly Stearns, gets Stephen's romantic attention. Republicans have a trick up their sleeve; Stephen may be too trusting, and Molly has a secret. What's most important, career, victory, or virtue?
动机问题。一堆伟大的烂苹果。Political State of Mind。凝视政治的深渊。男人才是权利与性的操刀手!。政治总有不见硝烟的战争。移民美国的准备问题。《总统杀局》:极权下的典型行为。《总统杀局》电影剧本。卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证。