终极悍将的剧情介绍,故事发生在禁酒令执行期间,私酒买卖成为了黑帮分子们赚钱谋利的最佳手段。达利(大卫·帕特里克·凯利 David Patrick Kelly 饰)和史托兹(尼德·艾森伯格 Ned Eisenberg 饰)分别是爱尔兰黑手党和意大利黑手党的首脑,两个帮派因为争夺地盘的问题而闹得剑拔弩张。 <br /> 某日,镇上来了一位神秘的流浪抢手,自称史密斯(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰),经验丰富的他很快就看出了盘旋在小镇上空一触即发的紧张气氛,喜欢铤而走险的史密斯决定在此大捞一笔。史密斯游走于达利和史托兹之间,很快就赚得盆满钵满,然而,没过多久,他就发现,自己陷入了危机之中,成为了两大黑手党都想要除掉的对象。
John Smith is an amoral gunslinger in the days of Prohibition. On the lam from his latest (unspecified) exploits, he happens upon the town of Jericho, Texas. Actually, calling Jericho a town would be too generous--it has become more like a ghost town, since two warring gangs have 'driven off all the decent folk.' Smith sees this as an opportunity to play both sides off against each other, earning himself a nice piece of change as a hired gun. Despite his strictly avowed mercenary intentions, he finds himself risking his life for his, albeit skewed, sense of honor....