Troubled celebrity Choong-Ui (Lee Hong-Ki) gets into trouble with the law. Choong-Ui is then forced to do volunteer work at a health-care facility for the terminally ill that is about to be closed down. While working at the hospice, Choong-Ui is able to come to terms with his own psychological wounds and, at the same time, help the patients to continue with their dreams.
如果知道生活这么美好,你应当去爱与被爱。告别,另一种开始。微笑面对,坦然接受。你应该要有需要告别的人。原来我这样的人祈祷,上帝也会听到。温暖治愈 你会有所收获。活着这么美好,就要好好的活着。活着的时候就认真地活着。温暖又感动。·温暖的告别,珍惜相守的时光。