The life of Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) from betrothal and marriage in 1770 to her beheading. At first, she's a Hapsburg teenager isolated in France, living a virgin's life in the household of the Dauphin, a shy solitary man who would like to be a locksmith. Marie discovers high society, with the help of Orleans and her brothers-in-law. Her foolishness is at its height when she meets a Swedish count, Axel de Fersen. He helps her see her fecklessness. In the second half of the film, she avoids an annulment, becomes queen, bears children, and is a responsible ruler. The affair of the necklace and the general poverty of France feed revolution. She faces death with dignity.
The life of Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) from her betrothal and marriage in 1770 to her beheading. At first, she's a Hapsburg teenager isolated in France, living a virgin's life in the household of the Dauphin, a shy solitary man who would rather be a locksmith. Marie discovers high society with the help of Orleans and her brothers-in-law. Her foolishness is at its height when ...
157min版 1938版>2006法版>2006美版上半场无比玛丽苏 少女王妃异常开朗 各种享乐 百忙之中还要和帅哥调情 禁忌之恋都透着一股纯爱味道 太欢脱 少了点儿矜持美 服装惊喜 精致考究 黑白电影里都美得晃眼下半场可看性更强 内容丰富的多 皇宫奢靡生活不再后 女主演技显现 路易斯被行刑前和妻女的对话演的真好 忧伤小胖子... 舔狗小情人颜值确实高 奥尔良公爵太抢眼了
通俗情节剧,内容上没什么好说的,但Adrian设计的衣服简直了……花团锦簇富丽堂皇雍容华贵流光溢彩,凝佳人之颜色,展昔时之风逸,怎么形容都不为过啊。Costume Drama 必看的作品。