猛鬼毕业典礼的剧情介绍,一所西班牙普通学校,接连九名教师意外身亡,这里一时间人心惶惶,学校关门在即。适值此时,四处碰壁的青年教师莫德斯托(劳尔·阿雷瓦罗 Raúl Arévalo 饰)来此应聘,他拥有能看到鬼魂的能力,可是根本没人相信他说的话,他被医生诊断患有精神病和妄想症,学生们谩骂嘲笑,校长气愤烦恼,致使莫德斯托在每一所学校都待不长。来到新学校的第一天,奥德斯托就意外发现5名盘桓在学校内的学生的鬼魂。 <br /> 他们20年前因违反校规而关禁闭,结果死于意外的火灾。5个鬼魂多年来热和捣蛋,吓坏了老师和学生。在美丽女同事的请求下,奥德斯托决定正视眼前的一切,帮助这5个孩子超生……
"The Sixth Sense" meets "The Breakfast Club" when a teacher who sees dead people applies for work at a high school haunted by five student poltergeists who died during detention. All his life Modesto has seen dead people walking around like living people and has long accepted the assessment of others that he has a mental problem. Principal Tina Escalonilla turns that around when Modesto describes a detail (known to her) about the school spirits that no others have been able to reveal. With her school poised to be closed due to unrelenting paranormal high jinx, she begs Modesto to stay and see what he can do to ease these spirits into the next life before Founder's Day.
该有的都有了、好意思给三颗以下么...。喜剧中的小温情-西班牙风情(电影中歌曲)。轻松诙谐学生鬼。学好数理化连鬼都不怕。放不下。离不开。 写于2013-04-27 21:16:14。都欢乐成这样了、歌都好听成那样了还好意思不给五颗星吗?。不留遗憾。《死也要毕业》--斗牛味开心鬼校园。实验室的骨架动了,不要怕,从窗户跳下去吧。。死也要毕业。