美国战舰的剧情介绍,1944年9月,美国海军战舰卡皮普上尉号接获指令,在罗斯福总统的指示下,前往苏门答腊岛营救被击落的飞机组员。而在附近的一个岛屿,情报指出德国布署布雷长程潜艇于此,搭载致命的武器“U-234”,美国海军必须击沉该“终极武器”。 在德军深水炸弹的猛力炮火下,战舰严重毁损危机充斥,船舰各机组人员坚守岗位,肩负维护世界和平的使命,这艘战舰该如何渡过危机?
The German U-Boat, U-234, from the Port of Kiel is trading cargo with the Japanese. USS Seaviper must locate and stop this dangerous exchange. The Captain of USS Seaviper must go ashore to conduct reconnaissance on an island near Sumatra, but the ship is left in the hands of Mister Cutter, after the Executive Officer is injured in battle. A conflict between Cutter and the Chief of the Boat puts the submarine in jeopardy. Seaviper is trapped below the surface, with decreasing oxygen, and a Japanese destroyer hunting them from above. Damage to the boat also leave her survival in question. They must fight the Japanese destroyer and get the information about U-235 back to Pearl Harbor.
小成本的潜艇电影 整个电影估计就一个道具室 而且做的太假 在潜艇里生活那么久居然哥哥肤净发洁 衣服连油污都没有 而且剧情太烂 一群演员也个个不入戏 演的假的一塌糊涂 整个一个烂片 无需多言……