无畏之心的剧情介绍,在充满了音乐和欢乐人群的加尔各答,一个怀着7个月身孕的女人孤独的站在灯火阑珊处,这个女人名叫薇迪亚(薇迪雅·巴兰 Vidya Balan 饰),瘦弱的她孤身来到这座陌生的城市,她的目标只有一个——找到失踪已久的丈夫。 <br /> 对于丈夫的失踪,所有的人都深信不疑,就连她自己也没有丈夫依然健在的确切的证据,可是在内心深处,薇迪亚不相信丈夫已经不在的事实,更不相信那些负责处理丈夫失踪事件的人员,凭借着手上零碎的证据,她决定靠自己的力量寻找丈夫。然而,随着调查的渐渐深入,薇迪亚发现自己似乎成为了那个被蒙在鼓里的人,而真相是这样的遥远又残酷。
Kolkata is abuzz with the preparations for the annual Durga Puja festival, as seven months pregnant Vidya Bagchi steps off the airplane from London. Her first stop is the local police station to file a missing person report. Weeks ago, her husband Arnab arrived in India for a job assignment. The first two weeks, they talked daily on the phone, and then without explanation, his calls stopped. Everywhere Vidya turns, no one can remember Arnab. There is no trace of him at the guest house or his workplace. But Vidya will not give up her search. Somewhere in Kolkata she will discover the dangerous truth.
电影《无畏之心》背后的故事 —— The kahaani behind the film Kahaani。Kahaani(无畏之心)。关于Rana身份的猜想。电影《帕瑞妮塔》和《无畏之心》中的加尔各答。一盆印度菜。个人觉得平庸。印度碟中谍,最炫民族风。披着悬疑片外衣的“旅游宣传片”。我最爱的印度电影。更像是一个爱情故事。