吸血鬼日记 第四季的剧情介绍,《吸血鬼日记》由美国女作家L.J.史密斯的同名畅销系列小说改编而成。 <br /> 第四季的剧情会围绕变成吸血鬼的Elena(妮娜·杜波夫 Nina Dobrev 饰)展开。变身让她想起了和之前被Damen(伊恩·萨默海尔德 Ian Somerhalder 饰)抹去的记忆,这会是她和Stefan(保罗·韦斯利 Paul Wesley 饰)的关系产生新的裂痕。附身到Tyler身上的klaus和Caroline之间到底有怎样的进展?真正的Tyler又去哪了呢?Elena在知道真相后又会有怎样的举动?而Jeremy面对变成吸血鬼的姐姐会有什么反应,Elena自己又如何接受这样的事实呢?
Alaric having informed the founders council, mayoress and sheriff are deposed and zealot pastor Young takes charges of a ruthless hunt for vampires and werewolves. Klaus makes love to Caroline as Tyler, who soon realizes their body switch but is sworn to secrecy. Becasue Elena made Stefano rescue mat from drowning first, she could only be kept alive by vampire blood, yet she refuses to turn completely. Damon grimly accepts having to leave her to his brother again. Klaus orders Bonnie to break the spell and scorns even fickler Rebekah. The pastor's posse lays siege to the house and captures the gathered vampires ad friends. Only Damon was outside and must rescue them from verbena or worse.
吸血鬼还在,日记已经没了。狗血我也要坚持看下去……。EP10和D上床不是因为认祖归宗是因为爱 EP11 D也许爱E但D仍然是D EP12 始祖又少了一个。大家觉不觉的猪脚忒自私!。Elena成吸血鬼,第四季将有众多亮点。DAMON党还是希望ELENA跟STEFAN。万年孤寂的bossK——a lonely alpha male。第四季即时记录【开始分析星座哇哈哈哈。剧情编不下去了,故事讲的太长于是每个猪脚都被写烂了。每一段表白都很值得纪念。