In an ordinary day, a deranged man has a rampage in a diner and randomly shoots the customers. The survivors of the tragic episode are deeply affected by the shooting and have the most different reactions: the youngster, Anne Hagen, becomes popular at school telling her version of the shooting; her friend Jimmy Jaspersen becomes mute and closes himself to the outer world; the waitress Carla Davenport neglects her baby and has several vulgar relationships with men; Dr. Bruce Laraby loses his self-confidence and tries an experimental treatment to the migraine of his wife; and the compulsive gambler Charlie Archenault believes that he is lucky in the game and gambles all his money but he has a jinx.
生命之轻的废墟。故弄玄虚。经典台词。也许是真的,但不是全部。the final truth。飞行物·微言大义。
当遇到魔鬼的时候,我们究竟是天使还是魔鬼?我们会不会在受刺激后做出魔鬼般的行为来? 我们刻意去模糊我们自己的立场,以及记忆。 就是这个故事展现在我们眼前的这些幕。 或许无法解释,却又仿佛存在而合理。
来看Kate Beckinsale。枪击案创伤,这个题材拍得不好或是一般就会像这样,给人无病呻吟的赶紧
美国小成本创伤剧,和Home Room感觉差不多,有模仿《撞车》的意思?但显然模仿得不够好。不过,总体来说还是不错的片子。