罪恶黑名单 第一季的剧情介绍,号称“红魔”的雷蒙德(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader 饰)一直以来都是联邦调查局通缉名单上的“常驻人员”,某一日,这位控制了犯罪市场中大部分信息与资源的传奇人物突然现身自首,并且声称能够提供关于恐怖分子兰科(Jamie Jackson 饰)的最新线索,条件只有一个,那就是让初出茅庐的菜鸟探员莉兹(梅根·布恩 Megan Boone 饰)做他的搭档和联络员。 <br /> 雷蒙德的种种举动让联邦探员们手足无措,他们既急需雷蒙德所掌握的线索,又无法相信这个有着重重黑暗历史的男人。雷蒙德的真实意图何在?他又为何偏偏选中了看似单纯的莉兹作为搭档?和传奇人物合作的这一段经历,对于年轻的莉兹来说又代表了什么呢?
A highly articulate, erudite and intelligent businessman and mastermind, "Red" Reddington, has allegedly been on the "10 Most Wanted List" of various U.S. law enforcement agencies for over 20 years. The legend is that Red is as elusive as he is clever, controlling a labyrinth of creative enterprises, coupled with uncanny ability to gather and finesse information at the drop of a hat. On the first day at FBI for a new female profiler fresh out of Quantico, Red offers to bandy wits with the FBI. Red promises to deliver various criminals and plots previously unknown to any branch of law enforcement... and all Red requests in return is to choose his muse.
OST列一下。除了Spader 之外都是狗屎。The Blacklist Music Season 1-10集音乐官方列表~链接就不放了。alan,你要晚节不保了么?。“红魔”自首,黑名单出世,第二季快点来。柏林终露峥嵘,红魔终现对手。这不就是我们期待已久的……。SPADER大叔辛苦了!。《黑名单》第一季第4集剧评:若爱能化解恨,那白就能遮住黑。James Spader,你救了整部剧。