地下拳击场的剧情介绍,肖恩(Channing Tatum 饰)本是一个在街头兜售盗版的青年,然而一次街头争执,让他结识了两个改变自己命运轨迹的人。票贩哈维(Terrence Howard 饰)同时也做着地下拳手经纪人的行当,他看中了肖恩的敏捷身手,引领他进入收入不菲的地下拳击圈。单身母亲祖莱因一本盗版书与肖恩结缘,两人的感情稳步发展,但肖恩却并不知道,祖莱与哈维之间有千丝万缕的联系。 <br /> 肖恩的地下拳手之路并不平坦,除了诸多劲敌需要应对,昔日拳击队的队友埃文的出现再一次揭开了肖恩不愿示人的灰色往事,原来肖恩与教练父亲的矛盾迫使他中断了拳手之路。此时与肖恩同居一室的哈维决意暂时按下两人的争执,安排了与埃文的拳赛以使两人找到新的方向……
Shawn MacArthur, the kind-hearted son of an Alabama wrestling coach, makes a grim living selling fake products on the streets in New York. After dealing with thieving punks, he's discovered by bare-knuckle/street-fight manager, Harvey Boarden. He soon proves himself worthy and starts earning a small fortune, part of which he volunteers to spend on single mother Zulay Velez. Shawn doesn't cheat and that seems to be a major problem, notably after the arrival of his Alabama high-school rival.
贵在真实。编剧属于小学一年级水平。惯性思维的突破 宏观的把握和升华。没有血泪,类似童话。闯出一片天。此shawn非彼shawn。Channing很嫩故事很简单。Fighting。Fighting(地下拳击场)。地下拳击场 Fighting。