A gray winter sky hangs over lonely city streets, rotted oil derricks, and abandoned factories. This is Oil City, Pennsylvania, a fading industrial town in the heart of the American rust belt. It is the sort of town that Barrack Obama had in mind when he made his infamous comments about bitter small town residents clinging to their guns and religion as they watch the rest of the world pass them by. The peace and quiet is shattered when the filmmaker, Oil City native Joe Wilson, places the announcement of his wedding to another man in the local paper. The announcement catches the eye of Kathy Springer, a local woman whose teenage son, CJ, is being brutally tormented at school because he is gay. Ignored by the school authorities and with no where else to turn, she seeks help from Wilson and they begin a difficult but ultimately successful struggle to take on the school authorities who made every day "eight hours of pure hell" for CJ. The announcement has a very different effect on Diane Gramley, head of the local chapter of the ultra-conservative American Family Association. Infuriated by the prospect of the "homosexual agenda" invading her little town, she issues an action alert calling on townspeople to denounce same sex marriage and all other forms of "perversion". Over the next four years Wilson navigates the ins and outs of being different in a conservative small town. He makes an unexpected friendship with an evangelical pastor that demonstrates the understanding that can develop when people on different sides of an issue lay down their swords and get to know one another. And he helps a lesbian couple renovate an historical downtown theatre that could catalyze the town's economic revitalization - if the community will accept them. The greatest change occurs in Wilson himself as he realizes that while maverick acts such as the publication of his wedding announcement can create a splash, creating lasting change in small towns takes the courage and ongoing commitment of local folks to speak out and live openly.
在Oil小镇出生的Joe Wilson在当地报纸上刊登了他和同性伴侣的结婚启事,招来当地居民的一片抗议之声。但是同时他收到一封单身母亲的来信,希望他帮助自己的同性恋儿子度过人生中的难关,不要被学校其他同学的侮辱和歧视击倒。女同性恋夫妇希望通过自己的力量修复当地一所荒废已久的剧院,使它成为社区活动中心,但是在开幕典礼之前收到反同性恋群体的警告…… 《寂静的呐喊》是一部平静却充满力量的纪录片。它从同性恋群体的视角出发,袒露美国社会对同性恋群体的态度以及同性恋群体对于自身生活定位的寻找和抗争。影片中Joe从开始遭到几乎所有人的敌对,到后来和一些居民成为好朋友;Franklin高中对学生歧视同性恋学生从开始的漠不关心,到后来出台相应法规和培训;女同性恋夫妇修复剧院后大量居民到场祝贺等场景透露出人性的弱点和力量,使人感到温暖和鼓舞。 影片透过真是的场景和冷静的...
“你爱他不是因为他的性倾向如何,而是看他是怎样的一个人。” “你爱他是因为他的内心。” 为自己的孩子改变看法的父亲挺好的