闪电侠 第三季的剧情介绍,CW已续订《闪电侠》第三季。
We pick up on Barry three months after he changed the timeline. He has trapped Reverse Flash in a cage, his parents are alive, but love interest Iris West does not know who he is. Neither do his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs. With these changes come new enemies, new speedsters and a whole world in Flashpoint.
闪电侠的心灵鸡汤模式真是别具一格¬_¬。剧情烂了还有得救,人设崩了就彻底毁了。极度自私的超级英雄——第三季闪电侠。四剧联动你要知道的事情。看完季终集心都凉了。Flash 3 is coming。闪电侠第三季前两集的一点讨论。第一集必须吐槽一下,不吐不快。Because you are Barry Allen。很讨厌任性妄为不顾后果强迫性重复牺牲别人的The flash。