一种谋杀的剧情介绍,在二十世纪六十年代的纽约,Walter Stackhouse是一位成功的建筑师。他娶了一位美丽的妻子——Clara,他们过着美满的生活。但是,他对一宗未破的谋杀案非常执着,这让他陷入了错综复杂的深渊——他被迫与聪明绝顶的凶手以及野心过大的侦探玩起猫捉老鼠的游戏。与此同时,他又贪恋上了另一个女人。
A psychological noir thriller set in 1960's New York based on Patricia Highsmith's novel, 'The Blunderer'. Walter Stackhouse is rich, successful and unhappily married to the beautiful but damaged Clara. His desire to be free of her feeds his obsession with Kimmel, a man suspected of brutally murdering his own wife. But when Clara is found dead in suspicious circumstances, Walter's string of lies and his own guilty thoughts seem enough to condemn him. As his life becomes dangerously entwined with Kimmel's, a ruthless cop is increasingly convinced he has found a copycat killer in Walter and aims to nail both murderers.
心魔并没有描述到位 出现得太晚、略突兀且阐述不清。配乐布景和服装时代感模糊,但最后段落传统黑片的感觉简直复古到惊艳
挺有从前film noir的感觉的,心理层面上的怀疑超越了证据的力度。就是拍的多少有点温吞,惊悚的部分不够吸引人,不过评分也不至于这么低的。Patrick Wilson在这个片子里各种颜色不同款式不同的毛衣或者开衫,好看。
很喜欢。Prove is nothing,doubt is everything