黑帆 第二季的剧情介绍,因粉丝反应强烈,本剧未开播便得到第二季续订。第二季已于2013年11月开始在南非开普敦拍摄,共10集。2015年播出。
Flint agrees to earn the conversion of his 'death sentence' from mutineers captain Dufresne by attempting to get hold, if not of the all-too-heavily-guarded Spanish treasure, at least of the well-armed ship, an 'invincible' prize. Silver volunteers for the suicide mission, actually hoping it's just an escape scam, but proves invaluably shrewd. They just still be rescued from the Spanish guard commander's torture room, but the galleon is won. In Nassau, Captain Charles Vane claims his seat on the pirates council as master of the fort, yet refuses to do the garrison security job that Eleanor claims goes with it. nearly-generally hated badly beaten Jack literally sinks to public pissing pole, yet hopes to scam his way back with the brothel gang.
Know No Shame。请让不看海盗剧的我来告诉你为什么要看黑帆。利益可以有冲突 但分裂只有灭亡。黑帆第二季分集剧情。对不起,我与你不同。愿你我不畏世俗。韦恩的字条。新英格兰的水浒传故事。极具戏剧张力。没有人是无辜的,但也没法说谁是有罪的。。