哆啦A梦:伴我同行的剧情介绍,生活在日本东京的野比大雄(大原惠美 配音),是一个学习不上进、日常迷迷糊糊并且饱受同学欺负的男孩。他的性格不仅左右着自己的事业和婚姻,还对未来子孙产生莫大的影响。为此,大雄孙子的孙子世修(松本さち 配音)带着猫型机器人哆啦A梦(水田山葵 配音)乘坐时光机突然来访,期望彻底改变大雄及整个家族的命运。在哆啦A梦的帮助下,大雄不再受到胖虎(木村昴 配音)和小夫(关智一 配音)等人的欺负,他喜欢美丽的女孩源静香(嘉数由美 配音)。为了实现和静香结婚的命运,他和哆啦A梦穿越时空,见证了决定人生的最关键的时刻和事件。当大雄慢慢开始变得幸福之际,哆啦A梦也到了必须返回22世纪的时候…… <br /> 本片根据藤子·F·不二雄的经典名作改编。
In the suburbs of Tokyo some time ago, there lived a clumsy boy about 10 years old. There appeared in front of him named Sewashi, Nobita's descendant of four generations later from the 22nd century, and Doraemon, a 22nd century cat-type caretaker robot who helps people with its secret gadgets. Sewashi claims that his family is suffering from the debts Nobita made even to his generation, so in order to change this disastrous future, he brought along Doraemon as Nobita's caretaker to bring happiness to his future, although Doraemon is not happy about this. And so Sewashi installed an accomplishment program into Doraemon forcing him to take care of Nobita. Unless he makes Nobita happy, Doraemon can no longer go back to the 22nd century. This is how the life of Doraemon and Nobita begins. Will Doraemon succeed this mission and return to the 22nd century?
每个人,终究要学会一个人独自长大。谎话800本身就是一个谎言,哆啦A梦永远不会再回来了。个性像野比大雄的人,将来会有什么出路?——转自知乎。《哆啦A梦:伴我同行》:日式猥琐男的心理满足。スタンドバイミー差點在戲院崩潰。。剧透:伴我同行中串联了哪些经典故事?。我希望我转身离开的那一刻,你便忘了我。。实在是太失望,根本就没有所谓的泪点。来了又往。stand by me。ドラえもん~。