绝对零度的剧情介绍,灿烂的阳光很快被寒冷残暴的疾风替代,当温度急速下降时,行星地球进入另一冰河时期,在担任主角Fahey和Erika Eleniak的感受到了即将来临的灾难的恐怖。随着第二次冰河时期的迹象出现,科学家David Kotzmon(Fahey)博士必须想出一个计划去保护地球和生长的所有生物。在他们迈阿密的家园基地陷入可能席卷整个已知大陆的风暴中,David和包括从前的情人Bryn(Erika Eleniak)等一小队幸存者必须在一切太晚前逃道一处特殊温控的房间,与世隔绝等待外面的解冻。
INTER SCI climatologist Dr. David Kotzman has evidence that a shift in the Earth's polarity triggered the last Ice Age...in a single day. Now, it's happening again, and there's no time to escape. As the temperature plummets, Miami is blasted with snow and ice. Evacuation routes are jammed. The only chance David, his old flame Bryn, and a few other hopeful survivors have is to hole themselves up in a special chamber at INTER SCI. A desperate race for survival is ignited as nature's fury rages and the temperature plunges toward -459.67° F...ABSOLUTE ZERO!