欧若拉公主的剧情介绍,吴露罗(金素敏 饰)是大企业天王食品会长的独生女,从小就集万千宠爱于一身的她过着名副其实的公主般的生活。某日,在机缘巧合之下,吴露罗邂逅了名为黄马马(吴昶锡 饰)的小说家,尽管黄马马个性古怪,待人又苛刻挑剔,但吴露罗还是对其一见钟情,随后展开了热情的攻势。 <br /> 然而,几经辗转波折,吴露罗和黄马马还是因为一场误会而分道扬镳。与此同时,吴露罗的家庭遭遇了变故,霎时间,曾经享有荣华富贵的她几乎失去了一切。然而,在这危机的关头,正是经纪人薛雪锡(徐河俊 饰)的不离不弃给了吴露罗坚强的勇气,可是她和黄妈妈的缘分亦没有走到尽头,陷入三角关系之中的三人会做出怎样的选择呢?
Aurora is a 25-year-old woman whose family owns Chunwang Foods, a large food conglomerate. Both of her parents are in their seventies and a 20-plus age difference exists between Aurora and her three other male siblings; Wang Sung, Geum Sung, and Su Sung. At first, people think she is a rich spoiled brat but there's more to her than meets the eye. She intervenes to salvage her 50-year-old second brother's marriage by getting rid of his mistress who had lied about getting pregnant by her brother. As the youngest child of a wealthy family, she has turned out alright instead of becoming a spoiled material girl. She is uber-confident and speaks her mind to everyone around her. One day, she falls head over heels for Hwang Mama, an irritable novelist and a perfectionist. Aurora oozes with charm and confidence. Nothing can faze her. Hwang Mama's chiseled good looks make him incomparable to other men. But he has one flaw that could torpedo his relationship with Aurora. Can the couple overcome it?
虽然我觉得编剧最后一定是忘记了吃药 但是由于我喜欢男二号 所以对于你奇葩的把男一写死 也欣然接受了╮(╯▽╰)╭
额貌似一般 没有看第二集的欲望 果断放弃!!