珠宝王国的剧情介绍,莎拉生长在曼哈顿区南汉普顿,经过第一次不幸的婚姻,她随同父亲搭乘玛丽皇后号前往战云笼罩的欧洲散心。她在一连串邀宴中疲惫地应付来自各方的异性,终于在一天下午与她的白马王子邂逅。韦特菲公爵是英国王位排名第十四的继承人,为了莎拉,他甘愿放弃微乎其微的继承希望,迎娶莎拉为他的公爵夫人。这对神仙美眷历经战火的煎熬,无意间建立起他们的珠宝王国,也孕育了他们的下一代…… 这是一个跨越五十年的故事,是一部时代冲击下的珍贵家族史,交织着战争、激情、挑战与阴谋
Sarah Thompson, an American visiting England, meets and marries William Whitfield, the Duke of Whitfield. They settle in a chateau in France and begin a family. World War II interrupts their happiness and alters their future. After the war, the family helps war survivors by buying their jewelry and eventually opens a jewelry store, which rapidly becomes a success. But conflicts abound as new generations arise and forces from both outside and within threaten the store and the family.
Bob Florence - Jewels (1992)
和之前的the ring都有涉及女主角和二战德国军官的爱情情节,女主角的性格把握得不错,然而安东尼的浪漫情愫更加令人难忘。