我爱你妈妈的剧情介绍,从中国的养父母身边被带走,登上一架身边满是陌生人的飞机,然后在一个新的国度、家庭和文化中醒来,这是如何一种生活经历?Stephanie Wang-Breal 的[妈妈我爱你]讲述了一个名叫方随永的8岁孤儿,与Sadowskys,一个去中国认领她的住在长岛的犹太家庭之间的故事。方随永是在美国长大的7万个中国孩子中的一个。通过她的眼睛,我们见证了她与自己新的身份之间的挣扎,看到了她是如何从一个胆怯的孩子转变为无论是她自己还是她的新的家庭都不曾想象一个全新的自我。
From 2000 to 2008, China was the leading country for U.S. international adoptions. There are now approximately 70,000 Chinese adoptees being raised in the United States. Ninety-five percent of them are girls. Each year, these girls face new questions regarding their adopted lives and surroundings. This is a film about Chinese adopted girls, their American adoptive families and the paradoxical losses and gains inherent in international adoption. The characters and events in this story will challenge our traditional notions of family, culture and race.
选的视角太好了 要怎么样的爱才能这样去接纳呀(小女孩在说我们只celebrate Hanukkah那段。。。。。
片子真的是可以反映问题的好片子,但片中的小孩,不知道是不是环境的影响,对于这个小孩的性格真的是怎么都喜欢不起来。她如果真的对广州的养父母妹妹有那么深的感情的话,又怎么会在短短十三个月忘记已经耳濡目染了八年的语言 尤其是最后她对那个问题的回答,让我更加彻底的不喜欢这个小孩。但片子好
Fairly touching and warm documentary,I cried two times while watching. Also, I feel lost to some extent as a Chinese when hearing what Faith answer to the last question in the final of the film: do yo...