末路狂澜的剧情介绍,故事发生在车水马龙人头攒动的法国巴黎街头,在这里,生活着一群特立独行的“行者”们,他们热衷于轮滑运动,在小小的滑轮之上体会风与速度带来的激情。斯利姆(斯蒂芬·多尔夫 Stephen Dorff 饰)和女友艾利克斯(凯伦·克里奇 Karen Cliche 饰)相恋多年,两人十分要好,与此同时,她们亦是轮滑运动的同好,凭借着彼此高超的技术在圈子里享有很高的声誉。 <br /> 随着时间的推移,斯利姆渐渐对平淡的生活和越来越乏味的轮滑感到厌倦起来,某日,他突发奇想,决定以轮滑为交通工具,干一票抢劫银行的活计,凭借他的技术,这一切一定易如反掌。就这样,斯利姆带着艾利克斯,以及他们的两个朋友奥蒂斯(克雷·班奈特 Clé Bennett 饰)和弗兰克(Steven McCarthy 饰)开始了这场疯狂的行动。
Slim, Otis, Frank and Alex (three boys and a girl) form a group of snowboard and skate young bank robbers. They are known as masters of the runaway art. Slim, the thinking head hatched a plan for their final retirement: five consecutive burglars, in five days, involving 20 million dollars. But this time, they're gonna have to face both the police - and the mafia!