维京传奇 第四季的剧情介绍,The History Channel已续订《维京传奇》第四季。
Entry to Valhalla eludes Ragnar but as he lies in his sick bed in Kattegat events unfold beyond his control. Bjorn orders the arrest of Floki for Athelstan's murder while in Paris, Rollo betrays the last of his Viking supporters to strengthen his position in the French Court. Meanwhile, in Hedeby, Kalf announces joint Earldom with Lagertha, but is power-sharing Kalf's true intention and is Lagertha actually willing to share what once was hers?
抛弃众神和一切信仰——比《权力的游戏》更具有深度。罗斯布洛克。他们才是真正的海贼王。关于第四季十一集后以及可能拍摄的其他维京传奇系列的剧透。編劇真是腦洞大開。群P搞基重口味,这部剧比《权力的游戏》更撩拨人。两个国王为什么亦敌亦友心心相惜。无聊就看这部剧吧,超出预期太多了。真正的王者,有着鹰的高度,天的广度和洋的深度。1-4季 从传奇的诞生到陨落。