Alex, a mysterious thief, is pulled in by her former partner for one last heist. She quickly finds it was never just about the diamonds. A brutal murder sparks a cat and mouse chase between Alex and a master assassin. Now she must uncover the lies behind the heist and discover the secrets behind the men who have made her a target.
虎头蛇尾的片,还是有亮点的。美女才是看电影的唯一动力。开头不错,后面比较差。战斗力为5的电影版“尼基塔”?。爆米花?️。女神欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇又一佳作。影片的最后。虎头蛇尾的片,还是有亮点的。Personal Critics-UKeham。不适合在吃饭时观看的一部紧凑动作片。