地球超人 第一季的剧情介绍,随着人类文明的发展,地球环境却遭到越来越严重的破坏。大地女神盖娅不愿看到情况继续恶化,她将五枚分别带有土地、火、风、水、心灵能力的神奇戒指给予了来自地球五大洲的五位少年,分别是非洲的夸美,拥有土地的威力;北美的辉乐,拥有火的威力;苏联的琳卡,拥有风的威力;亚洲的姬伊,拥有水的威力;南美的玛狄,拥有心灵的威力。少年们可以凭借戒指发挥出相应的能力去阻止破坏环境的行为,当他们的对手过于强大时,五枚戒指集结一起便可唤出地球超人。地球超人和少年们一次次挫败自然环境破坏者的行径与阴谋,为了保护绿色地球不懈努力……
Seeing the Earth in its profound environmental peril, Gaia, goddess of the Earth, summons five kids from around the world to become the Planeteers, an opposing force to fight back and educate others in the need to be environmentally responsible. To accomplish that task, each kid is given a magic ring that each has a power of earth, wind, water, fire and heart. When the threat they face is too big for them to face, they can combine and amplify their powers to create Captain Planet, who has the power to stop catastrophic environmental disasters himself, while the Planeteers contribute with the things anyone can and should do to help.
土地、火、风、水、心灵 把你们的力量结合起来 我就是地球超人~~ 话说还有个垃圾超人嘞?