驯龙宝典的剧情介绍,曾经充满杀戮和抗争的北欧博克岛,在少年希卡普(杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel 配音)和可爱的夜煞龙无牙成为亲密无间的好朋友之后,绵亘千百年的人龙之战终于告一段落。维京人放下武器,尝试着和这群可怕的大家伙做朋友。希卡普和伙伴们则不断摸索经验,熟悉每一头龙的特性,并且从前人的典籍中寻找线索。所谓前人的典籍,那便是嘉伯(克雷格·费格森 Craig Ferguson 配音)的祖先——被族人称作“倒霉鬼”和“公牛”的伯克,他曾干过打铁、种植、捕鱼等行当,但无一例外都遭到龙族的破坏。在此过程中,他记录下每一种龙的特性以及对制方法,分门别类,整理成册,变成了在维京人中间流传甚广的《龙之书》。 <br /> 而今在希卡普和朋友的努力下,这本传世典籍的内容不断丰富起来……
In the Great Hall, Hiccup and his fellow dragon trainers greet you as a new recruit. To get you started, the teen vikings and Gobber the Belch introduce you to their primary reference guide, The Book of Dragons. Together, you are taken on a tour of the amazing variety of dragon breeds as the young heroes add their new discoveries about handling them. Along the way, you follow the misadventures of the original author, Bork the Very, Very Unfortunate, who was fated to research his book the hard way.