阿飞物语的剧情介绍,《阿飞物语》以70年代的格拉斯哥为背景,Ned是那里人用来指“没教养的小阿飞”的骂人的话。影片主人公约翰是位上劲少年,但道路不是他自己能够选择。对于导演彼得·穆兰来说,题材很个人,但并非是一部自传电影。 <br /> 影片在2010年西班牙圣巴斯蒂安电影节摘得最佳影片金贝壳与最佳男演员两项大奖。该片是穆兰继《青楼姐妹花》摘得威尼斯金狮后八年的首部制作,此前曾遗憾落选威尼斯,在多伦多也备受好评。
Despite having a drunken, abusive father and a brother who leads a local gang John McGill is a studious boy for whom a bright educational future seems to beckon. However his studiousness isolates him and when he is invited to join the gang it gives him a sense of belonging. However he becomes increasingly more violet, stabbing a boy in the neck, for which his brother is blamed and jailed, and dropping a breeze block on a rival gang leader, causing him permanent brain damage. John is temporarily thrown out of his home by his mother and suspended from school though when he is readmitted he is placed in the remedial class. John now has no interest in education but in being the top boy amongst the NEDS or non-educated delinquents. He is invincible, and even the lions at the local safari park let him pass without attacking him.
《格拉斯哥1972》。阿飞物语 Neds——孩子们都很好。致青春的小调。
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