Army Captain Colter Stevens finds himself working on a special program where his consciousness can be inserted into another human being. The only catch is can only be there for 8 minutes at any given time. That morning, a bomb exploded on a commuter train just outside Chicago. He occupies the body of teacher going to work on that train and is confused as to what he is doing or why he is there as his last memory is of flying his helicopter on a combat mission in Afghanistan. Those in charge of the program explain to him that there is a bomb on the train that must locate it. More importantly, he must identify the bomber as another bombing is expected later that day. He is also told however that he cannot change the past and can only gather information. As he develops a liking for his traveling companion Christina, he sets out to test that theory.
影片情节再现,难点解释(全剧剧透,渗入!)。对电影最后数分钟以及源代码系统的理解。不懂结局的来看。《源代码》:《月球》上的“似曾相识”。不仅仅是个8分钟直到型循环 | It's gonna be OK.。《源代码》告诉我们的三件事。用四句话讲明白狗血剧情,小心被雷到。给中国科幻电影指条明路——《源代码》的省钱之道(技术贴!)。细思恐极。如果一切停止在那一吻。
Source Code 2011 BRRip 720p H264-3Li
在阿富汗执行任务的美国空军飞行员科特史蒂文斯上尉(杰克·吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)突然惊醒,发现自己在一辆高速行驶的列车上,而他的身边坐着一个素不相识的女子克里斯蒂安(米歇尔·莫娜汉 Michelle Monaghan 饰)正在与自己讲话。科尔不知自己为什么会在这辆车上,而且他发现自己居然是以另一个人的身份存在,正当他迷惑不解的时候,列车上忽然发生爆炸…… 科特又一次惊醒,发现自己身处一个密闭的太空仓里,有一位女军官古德温(维拉·法米加 Vera Farmiga 饰)正在通过视频和自己对话,并要求自己报告列车上发生的事情。一头雾水的科特还没搞明白是怎么回事时,他又一次被送上那辆列车。这次之后,科特终于明白自己在执行一件任务,负责调察芝加哥火车爆炸案找到恐怖份子并查出他的下一个目标。科特被一次又一次的送上那辆高速列车,每次只有八分钟...