Jean Cocteau - The Blood of a Poet (Le Sang d'un poète) 1930

诗人之血 1932/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2017-04-18 来源:本站编辑
Le Sang d'un Poète
The Blood of a Poet / 奥菲斯三部曲之一:诗人之血
让·谷克多 Jean Cocteau
Enrique Rivero/Elizabeth Lee Miller/波利娜·卡尔东 Pauline Carton
《诗人之血》,是法国人考克多纵横于诗、小说、戏曲、绘画等创作世界后,作为走向电影世界的第一作,也是当时盛行的先锋派电影(avant-grade film)代表之作。披着假面具的考克多和写着 “诗全部都是纹章,所以,有必要读解诗人的血和眼泪。

诗人之血的剧情介绍,《诗人之血》,是法国人考克多纵横于诗、小说、戏曲、绘画等创作世界后,作为走向电影世界的第一作,也是当时盛行的先锋派电影(avant-grade film)代表之作。披着假面具的考克多和写着 “诗全部都是纹章,所以,有必要读解诗人的血和眼泪。” 的字幕出现在观众面前,全篇洋溢 着主人公那异想天开、荒谬无规的世界,考克多的要素(个人的体验、私人的神话世界),通过把电影技巧融合在自己的 “死与再生” 的独特观念来展现出一个形象化的故事,影像的时间在影片的开始和结尾的瞬间得到了意义上的统一。电影对于考克多来说,就像是能够实现 “不死鸟术” 的魔法媒介,他的第一部作品已经形成了有别于其它表现方式的,衍生于边缘生命的理念,同时也体现出他对 “艺术家死而复生” 的命题作终生的反复追求。

A young artist draws a face at a canvas on his easel. Suddenly the mouth on the drawing comes into life and starts talking. The artist tries to wipe it away with his hand, but when he looks into the hand he finds the living mouth on his palm. He tries to wipe it off on the mouth of an unfinished statue of a young woman. The statue comes into life and tells him that the only way out of the studio is through the looking glass. The artist jumps into the mirror and comes to the Hotel of Dramatic Lunacies. He peeps through the keyholes of a series of hotel rooms. In the last room he sees desperate meetings of hermaphrodites. One of them has a signboard saying "Mortal danger". Back in the studio the artist crushes the statue with a sledgehammer. Because of this he himself becomes a statue, located at the side of a square. Some schoolboys start a snowball fight around the statue. One of the boys is killed by a snowball. A fashionable couple start playing cards at a table beside the corpse. The woman tells the man that unless he holds the ace of hearts he is doomed. The man takes the ace of hearts from the dead boy. The child's guardian, a black angel, appears and takes away the corpse as well as the card. Losing the ace of hearts the man shoots himself. The woman is transformed into the unfinished statue from the studio, and walks away.

《关于电影》。The Blood of a Poet —— 节选自《西方先锋派电影史论》。人类单调沉闷的不朽。转载——诗人之血简介点评。《诗人之血》:艺术凭什么要永恒?。先锋导演的作品。experiment of a poet。【Le sang d'un poète】在隐喻的光下。如此近距离俯视睡觉的人是摄影的奇迹。诗意电影。



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  • Jean Cocteau - The Blood of a Poet (Le Sang d'un poète) 1930
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    The blood of a Poet(1930)

  • The blood of a poet 1933.avi(701.79 MB)