Assigned to a Vice squad, Detective Jane Tennison investigates a child murder and discovers a sinister link to the police.
Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison moves to a new district and is put in charge of a vice investigation instead of homicide. But soon a homicide case impinges on her new job when a very young male prostitute is murdered in the apartment of Vera Reynolds, a female impersonator. Soon Jane is on the trail of the boy's brutal young pimp (played by David Thewlis). But her inves...
同性、男妓、娈童。。。一如既往的揭露了执法人员的人面兽心。卡司瞎了眼了(⊙▽⊙)二十几年前的皮卡叔演了个极其妩媚忧郁的变性人!此外还有Mark Strong、水嫩水嫩的Jonny Lee Miller。。。Helen Mirren的角色野心太大太功利有点开始不喜欢了