终极傻瓜的剧情介绍,《高飞家族》里的 Goofy 与 Max 父子在本片搭档演出,Max 已是一个十足的青少年,他想与学校的女同学去参加舞会,不料老爸却强拉他一同去钓鱼,代沟的冲突使得这父子关系面临考验。本片当初以“电影版卡通”小品作品之姿,居然开创出三千五百多万美金的票房,而成本不过是相等长度的电视卡通而已,获利力之高真是让人颇为意外。本片的主题其实还蛮发人深省的,是在探讨亲子两代间的一些代沟问题,不单纯只是一部搞笑片,虽然以夸张的卡通式表现手法,呈现的却是亲子情感细腻的一面。尽管“电影版卡通”由于成本的限制,制作手法没办法像“经典动画”那样的精致,但是本片故事情节的安排非常不错,歌曲更是耐听!难怪该组制作人马在本片小兵立大功后,就被迪士尼由电视动画部门升格成为电影制作部门了!他们第一部动画电影作品就是1999年的《泰山》!
It's the last day of school, and Max wants to catch the eye of Roxanne, one of the more attractive girls in school. But how can you be cool when your dad's Goofy? Stage an impromptu concert at the final assembly, that's how! Or at least it sounded good until Principal Mazer found out. Goofy finds out about his son's antics (sort of), and decides a fishing trip, like his dad took him on, is the solution. Of course, he doesn't know that Max finally lands a date with Roxanne for a party thrown by the class valedictorian. Through the movie, Goofy tries to bring Max out of his shell, while Max resents being taken away, and lying to Roxanne about the trip (he tells her he & his dad will be appearing on TV at the PowerLine concert in LA). Will Max sink or swim? Will Goofy goof up his son's first shot at romance? Will Bigfoot step back? And what about those nuns?
Pateta O Filme (Completo Portugus BR).avi
Roxanne大概是史上最好看的dog girl了,04年的special里Mona是个什么鬼?!还我Roxanne!!片子里 Stand out和Eye to Eye两首歌真的太好听了。真想做一条狗(什么?难道现在不是吗?
Fucking hell, disney you got me again
A Goofy MovieO(∩_∩)O~~~儿时的记忆碎片飞扬……O.O 2012.2.23@vista way2010,with66
叙事节奏很快 很喜欢很可爱