洛纳杜恩的剧情介绍,LORNA DOONE是英国作家Richard Doddridge Blackmore于1869年出版的小说,1921年曾好莱坞拍成电影。本版是2000年BBC摄制的电视电影。本片面讲述了十七世纪晚期斯图亚特王朝复辟晚期,在德文郡与萨默塞特郡交界处的一个乡村,农民与贵族之间发生的一段恩怨情仇的浪漫故事。
The year is 1675. England is threatened by religious and political rivalries. King Charles II's Catholic brother, James, is next in line for the throne, but many Protestants put their faith in Charles' illegitimate son, The Duke of Monmouth. On the king's death, conflict is inevitable... Over seven days journey from London, Exmoor is a primitive and lawless area. Here, farmer Jack Ridd lives with his wife Sarah, son John, and two daughters. The only shadow over their simple life is cast by the notorious outlaw family the Doones. The aristocratic Doones were banished from their ancestral lands and now live through looting, theft, and murder. Their brutality is legendary...
110716 我终于知道coyle为什么退出coupling了,因为尽管他扮相很帅,可是我怎么看他都是傻头傻脑的jeff...
jeff! 而且眉毛修得真不错啊!! dr. Chase里面的小辫子也有性格啊~~~
Amelia Warner is goddess
三星半吧】2000年的BBC 制作实在有点粗糙啊~最让我傻眼的是John从小孩子变成Coyle来演后AG居然始终如初,是什么给了我Coyle比AG要老的错觉.../但AG居然戏份还蛮多,标准古代言情剧里的反派,痴情又不择手段,好几个眼神很到位//Jeff,依然觉得他下一秒就是来搞笑的怎么办...声线语调又憨厚又傻//女主的上目线眼总觉得适合演那种耍心机的阴沉女二,仪态对于贵族小姐来说也有些不行。