◎导演◎ 维克多·科萨科夫斯基 Victor Kossakovsky
◎编剧◎ 维克多·科萨科夫斯基 Victor Kossakovsky
◎主演◎ Anna Fyodorovna Belova / Mikhail Fyodorovich Belov / Vasiliy Fyodorovich Belov / Sergey Fyodorovich Belov
贝洛夫兄妹的剧情介绍,《贝洛夫兄妹》(The Belovs)是俄罗斯纪录片大师Victor Kossakovsky(《安静》《我爱过你》《窗外的世界》)93年的处女作,这部仅有58分钟的黑白影片被俄罗斯影评人协会评为上世纪九十年代俄罗斯最佳纪录片,并在当年获得了阿姆斯特丹纪录片节伊文思奖和Wisselzak奖,据说在影节的历史上把这两座奖颁给同一部电影也只有那一次
"Belovy (the Belovs)" is a breathtaking portrait of a troubled peasant family. It's poetry in the form of a documentary that won many prizes. Beautifully shot in vintage black and white, the film tells the story of two times widow Anna Belova who lives together with her brother Mikhail. Blending the two personalities, Kosakovsky characterizes the true Russian soul: she is the rational worker, honest and strong - he is the drunken poet, the idealist, his philosophy fades into radical nonsense time after time.
俄罗斯民族最好的肖像 - AUESS的新电影随笔之《贝洛夫兄妹》。
Kosakovsky - Belovy (1994).avi