办公室笑云 第一季的剧情介绍,本影集由勇奪金球獎和英國電影電視藝術學院的瑞奇吉瓦斯和史蒂芬莫徹特執導。 <br /> 你可曾遇到過自認為最風趣的老闆?你可曾因為和某位按部就班的同事共事而讓你苦不堪言?你又可曾偷偷地暗戀某人?而你又是如何告訴對方你的感受呢? <br /> 辦公室笑雲是部真實揭露上班族生活的幽默喜劇,隨著經理大衛布蘭特以及他的部署,看他們如何努力打拼和玩樂,面對喜怒哀樂,展開戀情,以及表演結合閃舞和MC哈默的舞姿!從大衛受訓日的帶動唱,到最後終曲的聖誕派對,每個經典鏡頭都能讓你難以忘懷。 <br /> 辦公室笑雲在推出兩個系列加上聖誕特別版後,可說是重新改寫當代喜劇的定義,絕對是上班族必看的影集。
A mockumentary about life in a mid-sized suboffice paper merchants in a bleak British industrial town, where manager David Brent thinks he's the coolest, funniest, and most popular boss ever. He isn't. That doesn't stop him from embarrassing himself in front of the cameras on a regular basis, whether from his political sermonizing, his stand-up 'comedy', or his incredibly unique dancing. Meanwhile, long-suffering Tim longs after Dawn the engaged receptionist and keeps himself sane by playing childish practical jokes on his insufferable, army-obsessed deskmate Gareth. Will the Slough office be closed? Will the BBC give David a game show? Will Tim and Dawn end up with each other? And more importantly, will Gareth realize what a hopeless prat he is?
没必要用两种语言描述绝望:英美版《办公室》比较。Tim说。英式别扭的典范。Happy Ending。耳目一新。好久不见的幽默。风靡美国英国的office drama。办公室也是一个围城。看了美版后,反过来补原版。让我大笑的部分……。
[Ricky Gervais] The Office (2001-2003) Complete Series DVDRip
很棒,英国佬内敛,压抑,生活暗淡,荒唐,绝望,发泄,自得其乐,幽默,损人不带脏字展现无余,据说美版办公室改编的也不错,但总看不进去。里面好多演员此前此后不断在其他电影里出现,比如Martin Freeman几年后演了BBC新版福尔摩斯里的华生。