天使A的剧情介绍,巴黎,一个小混混安德烈(加梅勒•杜布兹 Jamel Debbouze 饰)因走投无路准备跳河时,他赫然发现了一位金发美女也正在跳河。安德烈奋不顾身的救起了这位同病相怜的美女――安吉尔(丽•拉丝姆森 Rie Rasmussen饰)。 <br /> 安德烈在高挑美丽的安吉尔面前感到自惭形秽,但安吉尔认定是安德烈救了她,所以她属于安德烈,她要帮安德烈开心起来。当追讨欠债的黑老大捉走了安德烈,安吉尔帮助他脱离险境;当安德烈无钱还债时,安吉尔卖身替安德烈还了钱。 <br /> 安德烈看到安吉尔为自己做的事,感到又羞又气,他彻底爱上了安吉尔。最终,在安吉尔的鼓励下,安德烈对她说出了“我爱你”,其实,也对他自己。 <br /> 最终,安吉尔向安德烈坦白了自己是来帮助他的天使,是时候要走了……
André, a small-time ex-convict, seems to owe money to everyone in Paris, including a crime boss who promises to kill him if he doesn't repay him by midnight. After failing to find protection from the American embassy and the French police, a despairing André scrambles onto a bridge over the Seine, intending to leap to his death. He is surprised to see a tall, beautiful girl clinging to a rail on the same bridge, apparently preparing to end her life as well. She jumps, and he jumps too, suddenly resolving to save her life. After scrambling ashore, she tells him her name is Angel-A. Together, they take a cruise on the Seine, repay André's creditors, visit a Parisian nightspot, and more, as Angel-A helps André. He learns that for this purpose she has fallen out of the sky and into his life. André finds himself falling in love with this mysterious beauty.
非逻辑性爱情的冬天。流浪汉与仙女的爱情故事。《天使-A》寻访爱情的天堂。美丽天使指引我们向前——《天使A》。《天使-A》与“容器式”观影。也许内心我们都需要一面镜子。电影里面这就话最触动自己。吕克.贝松的最后作品?。我看《Angel-A》。Angel A。
Angel. A