烟花星期三的剧情介绍,新年将至,按祆教传统要放烟火庆祝的星期三,即将结婚的女孩来到一个中产家庭当钟点女佣赚钱,她的女主人深受忧鬱症之苦,一口咬定自己的丈夫与已离婚的单身美髮师邻居有染。女孩无端被捲进这场错综複杂的人性角力风暴而无法脱身,不仅提早见识到婚姻生活中种种不为人知的辛酸苦楚,更体认了伊朗社会对于女性的极端不平等。 <br /> 阿斯哈法哈蒂第三部剧情长片,从以往男性叙事观点移转到女性身上,透过对婚姻生活充满憧憬、深陷婚姻泥淖、离婚后独立生活三个处于不同婚姻阶段的女性角色尔虞我诈的交手过程,将人性的幽微难测以及道德立场的暧昧模稜,辩证得丝丝入扣。在《死期预告》中饰演死刑犯之姊的塔兰妮阿裡多斯蒂一改强悍形象,转而诠释纯真少女,观众随着她的处境转变,在短短一日之内经历了一场交织秘密与谎言的震撼教育。
On the day before their holiday trip to Dubai, a wife who believes her husband is unfaithful enlists the help of Roohi, a young women sent by an agency to clean the house. She asks Roohi to make an appointment and gather information at the salon of the woman she suspects. Roohi is betrothed, innocent of marital discord. Over the course of the day, she, the couple, their small son, the wife's sister and husband, and the beautician engage in a series of exchanges, confrontations, and prevarications. Are the wife's suspicions unwarranted; is her behavior imperiling her marriage? Acts of kindness may go awry. And the trip to Dubai?
烟花星期三。欲语还休。歲末煙火 (CINE FAN 2014)。烟花星期三。婚姻的真相。弱。挺好的。只是一些感想。还可以。
Fireworks Wednesday aka Chaharshanbe Soori (2006) DVDRip x264 1GB-XpoZ